venerdì 14 febbraio 2014

Due volti di Ginevra

"That is a very unusual song, it's in a very strange tuning with strange time signatures. It's about three women that I loved. One of who was Christine Hinton, the girl who got killed who was my girlfriend, and one of who was Joni Mitchell and the other one is somebody that I can't tell. It might be my best song." (David Crosby)

Inutile dilungarsi sulle virtù di 'Crosby Stills & Nash', l'album della famosa copertina con i tre sul divano in ordine inverso alla sigla sociale: quando i tre tentarono di rimediare tornarono in cerca del divano scoprendo che non c'era più!
Tra molti episodi memorabili come 'Marrakech Express' o 'Wooden ships', la mia preferita resta 'Guinnevere', frutta del sacco di David Crosby. Di questa canzone si innamorò anche Miles Davis che ne registrò una lunga trasfigurata versione durante le sessions di 'Bitches Brew'. Il brano però rimase inedito fino alla pubblicazione in anni recenti delle intere sessions.

Crosby, Stills & Nash: Guinnevere

"Guinnevere had green eyes
Like yours, my lady like yours
She'd walk down through the garden
In the morning after it rained
Peacocks wandered aimlessly
Underneath an orange tree
Why can't she see me?
Guinnevere drew pentagrams
Like yours, my lady like yours
Late at night when she thought
That no one was watching at all on the wall
She shall be free
As she turns her gaze
Down the slope to the harbor where I lay
Anchored for a day
Guinnevere had golden hair
Like yours, my lady like yours
Streaming out when we'd ride
Through the warm wind down by the bay
Yesterday, seagulls circle endlessly
I sing in silent harmony
We shall be free"

Miles Davis: Guinnevere

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